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Does my dog need Boot Camp?
If you want to give your dog a solid foundation of obedience and socialization, and you notice that classes or private lessons are not enough, then one of our Boot Camps is your best choice. Boot Camp is also recommended for dogs that need behavior modification training. The longer an undesirable behavior is left unattended, the more challenging it can become to modify. That's when you contact a professional dog trainer for consultation.
Boot Camp structure
Your dog stays here for a minimum of three weeks, receiving daily doses of training, targeting the goals discussed at the time of your dog's free assessment during the meet and greet.
The first couple of days is all about getting to know your dog, create a bond and establish trust, and see what motivates him/her. This is also when your dog decompresses, gets acquainted with its new environment, and adapts to new routines. Shortly thereafter, the training sessions commence. While we don't want family to come visit the first week, we strongly encourage family visits the second and third week. Afterall, your dog will go home to you once they graduate boot camp, and be under your leadership again. We give you the tools needed for you to work and communicate better with your dog. And during the training sessions, our trainer shows you how to use those tools effectively. We essentially teach your dog a new language, and for you to understand him/her, you also need to be able to speak it. We also teach it its place in the hierarchy, and to be under human leadership. If you are not a natural leader, we will show you how to become one. Once the dog graduates, the ultimate continued success of the program will depend on how committed you, the owner is. Bottom line, the more times you can come and get some hands on training with your dog, the better for the both of you.
After graduation
The last day of Boot Camp, we bring your dog to your home. Why? Because naturally, your dog will associate his family, and his home with old behaviors, and could easily fall back into his old ways. To avoid this from happening, we help transfer its
newly learned skills to his owners in the home environment. Additionally, to offer more continued support, included in the boot camp program are three free Saturday class participations. Lastly, we have a free for life follow up on the behaviors your dog came to us to work on. We want you and your dog to have a better and more meaningful relationship, and nothing makes us happier than when we hear from owners telling us things are going well.
Rates depend on the needs of your dog, as well as the training goals desired by the owner, and are discussed at the time of the assessment during the meet and greet. Your dog will get his/her customized training program, which will also include all the perks of boarding (read the Boarding section for more info). To get more info give us a call at (951) 780-0780 to discuss your dog and its needs in more detail.

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